PN: 706204786
- 001 - Maverick Turbo - DS - International, 2022 0009DNG00 0009DNH00
- 001 - Maverick Turbo - DS - International, 2023 0009DPJ00
- 001 - Maverick Turbo - DS - North America, 2022 0009DNA00 0009DNB00 0009DNC00 0009DND00 0009DNE00 0009DNF00
- 001 - Maverick Turbo - DS - North America, 2023 0009DPF00 0009DPG00 0009DPE00 0009DPB00 0009DPA00 0009DPH00
- 001 - Maverick Turbo RR - DS - CE, 2022 0007XNH00
- 001 - Maverick Turbo RR - DS - CE, 2023 0007XPG00
- 002 - Maverick Turbo RR - DS - International, 2022 0007XNG00
- 002 - Maverick Turbo RR - DS - North America, 2022 0007XNA00 0007XNB00 0007XNC00 0007XND00 0007XNE00 0007XNF00
- 002 - Maverick Turbo RR - DS - North America, 2023 0007XPA00 0007XPB00 0007XPC00 0007XPD00 0007XPE00 0007XPF00
- 002 - Maverick Turbo RR - RS - International, 2023 0009EPG00
- 002 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - CE, 2022 0009MND00
- 002 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - CE, 2023 0009MPC00
- 003 - Maverick Turbo RR - RS - International, 2022 0009ENG00 0009ENH00
- 003 - Maverick Turbo RR - RS - North America, 2022 0009ENA00 0009ENB00 0009ENC00 0009END00 0009ENE00 0009ENF00
- 003 - Maverick Turbo RR - RS - North America, 2023 0009EPA00 0009EPB00 0009EPC00 0009EPD00 0009EPE00 0009EPF00
- 003 - Maverick Turbo RR - XDS - International, 2023 0007SPJ00
- 003 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS - CE, 2022 0007TNK00 0007TNS00
- 003 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS STD - CE, 2023 0007TPN00
- 004 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS - CE, 2022 0009NNP00
- 004 - Maverick Turbo RR - XDS - International, 2022 0007SNE00
- 004 - Maverick Turbo RR - XDS - North America, 2022 0007SNA00 0007SNB00 0007SNC00 0007SND00
- 004 - Maverick Turbo RR - XDS - North America, 2023 0007SPA00 0007SPB00 0007SPE00 0007SPF00
- 004 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - International, 2023 0009MPD00
- 004 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - CE, 2023 0007TPP00 0007TPU00
- 005 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - CE, 2023 0009NPN00 0009NPS00
- 005 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - North America, 2022 0007KNA00 0007KNB00 0009MNA00 0009MNB00
- 005 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - North America, 2023 0007KPA00 0007KPB00 0009MPA00 0009MPB00
- 005 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS - International, 2022 0007TNG00 0007TNH00 0007TNJ00 0007TNQ00 0007TNR00
- 005 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS STD - International, 2023 0007TPR00
- 006 - Maverick Turbo RR - XMR - International, 2022 0009LNB00
- 006 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS - North America, 2022 0007TNA00 0007TNB00 0007TNC00 0007TND00 0007TNE00 0007TNF00 0007TNL00 0007TNM00 0007TNN00 0007TNP00 0007TNT00 0007TNU00
- 006 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - International, 2023 0007TPS00
- 006 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS STD - North America, 2023 0007TPA00 0007TPB00 0007TPE00 0007TPF00 0007TPJ00 0007TPK00
- 007 - Maverick Turbo RR - XMR - International, 2023 0009LPB00
- 007 - Maverick Turbo RR - XMR - North America, 2022 0006VNA00 0009LNA00
- 007 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - International, 2022 0009MNC00 0009MNE00
- 007 - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - North America, 2023 0007TPC00 0007TPD00 0007TPG00 0007TPH00 0007TPL00 0007TPM00
- 008 - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - International, 2022 0007WNG00
- 008 - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - International, 2023 0007WPJ00
- 008 - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - North America, 2022 0007WNA00 0007WNB00 0007WNC00 0007WND00 0007WNE00 0007WNF00
- 008 - Maverick Turbo RR - XMR - North America, 2023 0006VPA00 0009LPA00
- 009 - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - North America, 2023 0007WPA00 0007WPB00 0007WPE00 0007WPF00 0007WPG00 0007WPH00
- 009 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - DS - International, 2022 0007UNG00 0007UNH00
- 009 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - DS - North America, 2022 0007UNA00 0007UNB00 0007UNC00 0007UND00 0007UNE00 0007UNF00
- 009 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - International, 2023 0007YPG00
- 010 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - DS - North America, 2023 0007UPA00 0007UPB00 0007UPC00 0007UPD00 0007UPE00 0007UPF00
- 010 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - North America, 2022 0007YNA00 0007YNB00 0007YNC00 0007YND00 0007YNE00 0007YNF00
- 010 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XDS - International, 2022 0007VNE00
- 010 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XDS - International, 2023 0007VPJ00
- 011 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - North America, 2023 0007YPA00 0007YPB00 0007YPC00 0007YPD00 0007YPE00 0007YPF00
- 011 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XDS - North America, 2022 0007VNA00 0007VNB00 0007VNC00 0007VND00
- 011 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS - International, 2022 0009NNG00 0009NNH00 0009NNN00 0009NNS00
- 011 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS STD - International, 2023 0009NPP00
- 012 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XDS - North America, 2023 0007VPA00 0007VPB00 0007VPE00 0007VPF00
- 012 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XMR - North America, 2022 0007ZNA00
- 012 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - International, 2023 0009NPR00
- 013 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XMR - North America, 2023 0007ZPA00
- 013 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS - North America, 2022 0009NNA00 0009NNB00 0009NNC00 0009NND00 0009NNE00 0009NNF00 0009NNJ00 0009NNK00 0009NNL00 0009NNM00 0009NNQ00 0009NNR00
- 014 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS STD - North America, 2023 0009NPA00 0009NPB00 0009NPE00 0009NPF00 0009NPJ00 0009NPK00
- 015 - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - North America, 2023 0009NPC00 0009NPD00 0009NPG00 0009NPH00 0009NPL00 0009NPM00
- CE - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - 9NRN - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width SAS, 2024 0009NRN00
- CE - Maverick Turbo RR - DS - 7XRG - Catalyst Gray - 64" Width, 2024 0007XRG00
- CE - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - 9MRC - Hybrid White Pearl - 72" Width, 2024 0009MRC00
- CE - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - 7TRP - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width SAS, 2024 0007TRP00
- CE - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS STD - 7TRN - Timeless Black Metallic - 72" Width, 2024 0007TRN00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - 7WRJ - Catalyst Gray - 64" Width, 2024 0007WRJ00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo - RS - 7YRM - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width, 2024 0007YRM00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - 7YRG - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width, 2024 0007YRG00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XDS - 7VRJ - Timeless Black Metallic - 64" Width, 2024 0007VRJ00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XMR - 7ZRB - Hyper Silver - 72" Width, 2024 0007ZRB00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRC - 9MRH - Hybrid White Pearl - 72" Width, 2024 0009MRH00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - 9NRT - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width SAS, 2024 0009NRT00
- International - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XRS STD - 9NRP - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width, 2024 0009NRP00
- International - Maverick Turbo - DS - 9DRJ - Catalyst Gray - 64" Width, 2024 0009DRJ00
- International - Maverick Turbo - RS - 9ERM - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width, 2024 0009ERM00
- International - Maverick Turbo RR - RS - 9ERG - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width, 2024 0009ERG00
- International - Maverick Turbo RR - XDS - 7SRJ - Timeless Black Metallic - 64" Width, 2024 0007SRJ00
- International - Maverick Turbo RR - XMR - 9LRB - Hyper Silver - 72" Width, 2024 0009LRB00
- International - Maverick Turbo RR - XRC - 9MRD - Hybrid White Pearl - 72" Width, 2024 0009MRD00
- International - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - 7TRU - Timeless Black Metallic - 72" Width SAS, 2024 0007TRU00
- International - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS Smart Shock - 7TRV - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width SAS, 2024 0007TRV00
- International - Maverick Turbo RR - XRS STD - 7TRR - Timeless Black Metallic - 72" Width, 2024 0007TRR00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - 7WRE - Fiery Red Metallic - 64" Width CALI, 2024 0007WRE00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - 7WRF - Fiery Red Metallic - 64" Width, 2024 0007WRF00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - 7WRG - Catalyst Gray - 64" Width CALI, 2024 0007WRG00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - DS - 7WRH - Catalyst Gray - 64" Width, 2024 0007WRH00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - RS - 7YRH - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width, 2024 0007YRH00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - RS - 7YRJ - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width, 2024 0007YRJ00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - RS - 7YRK - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width CALI, 2024 0007YRK00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo - RS - 7YRL - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width CALI, 2024 0007YRL00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - DS - 7URC - Fiery Red Metallic - 64" Width CALI, 2024 0007URC00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - DS - 7URD - Fiery Red Metallic - 64" Width, 2024 0007URD00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - DS - 7URE - Catalyst Gray - 64" Width CALI, 2024 0007URE00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - DS - 7URF - Catalyst Gray - 64" Width, 2024 0007URF00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - 7YRC - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width CALI, 2024 0007YRC00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - 7YRD - Fiery Red Metallic - 72" Width, 2024 0007YRD00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - 7YRE - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width CALI, 2024 0007YRE00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - RS - 7YRF - Catalyst Gray - 72" Width, 2024 0007YRF00
- North America - Maverick MAX Turbo RR - XDS - 7VRA - Fiery Red Metallic - 64" Width CALI, 2024 0007VRA00
Shipping Policy
Shipping Policy
At ShopEvinmotors, we want to ensure a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for our customers. Please take a moment to review our shipping policy for orders within the United States.
- Shipping Methods and Timeframes:
- We only offer shipping services through USPS at the moment.
- The estimated delivery time will vary based on your location and the shipping method chosen during checkout.
- Standard shipping typically takes 3-7 business days, while expedited shipping options may be available for faster delivery.
- Ground shipping typically takes 2-3 business days within Puerto Rico. When using ground services to ship outside of Puerto Rico the delivery times may vary depending on your location, typically between 12-15 days.
- Order Processing Time:
- We strive to process and ship all orders as quickly as possible.
- Order processing time typically ranges from 1 to 3 business days, excluding weekends and holidays.
- During peak seasons or promotional periods, processing times may be slightly longer. We appreciate your patience during such times.
- Shipping Rates:
- For orders below $100, shipping fees will be calculated at checkout.
- We offer free ground shipping on all orders over $100 within the United States.
- Oversized or overweight products such as tires, rims, fenders, windshields, roofs, frames, racks, exhaust systems, handlebars, and gear bags do not apply for free shipping. If your order includes an item that matches these criteria a customer representative will reach out to discuss shipping options and any additional fees required to fulfill your order.
- Tracking Your Order:
- Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing a tracking number.
- You can use this tracking number to monitor the progress of your shipment through the carrier's website or tracking portal.
- Please note that tracking information may take some time to update after the package has been handed over to the shipping carrier.
- Shipping Restrictions:
- We currently only ship within the United States.
- Certain items such as oversized and overweight products, tires, fenders, windshields, roofs, frame, racks, and hazardous materials, may not be eligible for shipping or may require special handling.
- Address Accuracy:
- It is crucial to provide accurate and complete shipping information during checkout.
- We will not be responsible for delays or misdeliveries resulting from incorrect or incomplete address information provided by the customer.
- Shipment Delays or Issues:
- While we make every effort to ensure timely delivery, unforeseen circumstances or external factors beyond our control may occasionally cause delays.
- If you encounter any issues with the delivery of your order, please contact our customer support team. We will work diligently to resolve the matter and keep you informed of any updates.
We value your satisfaction and are committed to providing reliable shipping services. If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding our shipping policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.
Thank you for choosing ShopEvinmotors. We appreciate your business
Refund Policy
Refund Policy
At ShopEvinmotors, we strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience. We understand that there may be instances where you may need to return a product, and we are here to assist you. Please take a moment to review our return policy.
- Returns Eligibility:
- You have a 30-day window, starting from the date of delivery, to request a return.
- To be eligible for a return, the item(s) must be unused, undamaged, and in their original packaging with all tags and labels attached.
- Certain products, such as perishable goods, customized items, and intimate or sanitary goods, are exempt from being returned unless they arrive damaged or defective.
- No returns will be accepted for electrical parts, tubes, wheels, helmets, CDs, DVDs and lenses.
- All sales of discontinued items, closeout, and clearance sales are final.
- There will be no refunds or exchange for Special Orders, in the case an SO (Special Order) must be issued, the customer will be notified.
- Return Process:
- To initiate a return, please contact our customer support team via email at providing the following details:
- Order number
- Reason for the return
- Condition of the item(s)
- Our customer support team will guide you through the return process and provide you with any necessary instructions or documentation.
- Please ensure that the item(s) are securely packaged to prevent any damage during transit.
- Return Shipping:
- The cost of return shipping is the responsibility of the customer unless the return is due to an error on our part (e.g., wrong item shipped, damaged or defective product).
- We recommend using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance for valuable items, as we cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item(s).
- Refunds and Processing:
- Once we receive the returned item(s) and verify their condition, we will initiate the refund process.
- Refunds will be processed using the original payment method used during the purchase.
- Please note that it may take several business days for the refund to appear in your account, depending on your payment provider's policies.
- Exchanges and Store Credit:
- If you prefer to exchange the item(s) for a different size, color, or style, please contact our customer support team to check availability.
- In cases where the requested exchange is not available, or if you prefer not to exchange the item(s), we can offer store credit for future purchases.
- Damaged or Defective Items:
- If you receive a damaged or defective item, please contact our customer support team immediately.
- We may require you to provide photographs or other evidence of the damage or defect.
- Upon verification, we will arrange for a replacement, repair, or refund, depending on product availability and your preference.
- Non-Compliance with Return Policy:
- If an item is returned without meeting the "Returns Eligibility” section criteria, we reserve the right to reject the return or deduct a restocking fee from your refund.
- In such cases, we will contact you to discuss the options available.
Please note that this return policy applies to online purchases made through our website. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.
Thank you for choosing ShopEvinmotors. We appreciate your business!